LinkUp Job Listing Feeds
Product | HCM
LinkUp job listing data is sourced daily and directly from tens of thousands of company websites, and captures global labor market information at the geographic, industry, and occupational level.
Using our real-time jobs data, LinkUp delivers custom job listing feeds configured across a variety of data parameters and formats that best meet the specific and dynamic needs of our clients. The detailed nature of our data – which includes 14 job attributes and 17 unique company attributes – allows for granular filtering and customizable use.
Updated daily, our custom feeds can be leveraged for both strategic and tactical uses including:
Assess and predict labor demand, growth, and decline
Identify real-time opportunities by tracking changes at the location, company, and industry level
Create powerful competitive intelligence analyses
Provide high quality job content to users with no redirects or sign-ups
Increase your company’s SEO & SEM efforts
Because our job listings come directly from company websites, our job feeds provide optimized user experiences, better page ranking and click-through rates, and help to mitigate bias in job listings commonly found in feeds hosted by third-parties.

Linkup Trial: Trial our data to see what it can do for you.
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