Capital Markets

Overview: Enable unprecedented decision-making and model development with the full predictive power of LinkUp job market data.
Job listings indicate intent to hire, making every data point forward-looking. Sourced daily and directly from over 75,000 employer websites, our jobs data provides unparalleled accuracy, timeliness, and depth. Hedge fund managers, global asset managers, and investors in private equity and venture capital use LinkUp data to develop novel strategies, forecast trends, and make confident decisions.
How are investors using LinkUp analytics to
shape strategy and inform decisions?
Asset management & equity research
Use historical and current data at the macro or granular level to spot signals to inform actionable investment strategies.
Pinpointing industry and company growth trend forecasting
Track labor demand and forecast trends for specific industries, companies, or locations through custom reporting.
Quantitative or algorithmic investing
Leverage our vast repository of accurate, timely labor data, built for rigorous, quantitative top-down analysis.
Fundamental labor market analysis
Track company-level labor demand and growth within the overall market, segmented by industry or particular geographies.
Informed financial decisions start with real-time labor market insights.
Global coverage
Since 2007, we’ve indexed hundreds of millions of jobs from over 75,000 companies and 195 countries for comprehensive coverage.
Unparalleled quality
Our proprietary process gathers data directly from the source, employer websites, for unparalleled depth, breadth, accuracy, and timeliness.
Predictive power
Jobs data is forward-looking, and our datasets are updated daily, lending deep insights and actionable predictive power to our clients.
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Request a demoUse Cases: See how Capital Markets are using LinkUp data
U.S. Job Listings by Month for Trend Analysis
Job listings, including total new and removed job listings from each month or year, can provide insight into labor demand shifts occurring over time at a macro level.
Capital Markets
Skill Clustering & Related Technologies
Understanding how skills are distributed across various types of roles, and how widely used technologies are used in tandem, can help when benchmarking hiring strategies and developing growth frameworks.
Enterprise | Capital Markets
Mapping Evolving Technical Demand
Because job listings often contain information about in-demand skills and technologies, listing data is a valuable tool when investigating the distribution of tech tools across the market.
Enterprise | Capital Markets
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